Tastings that Translate to Real Results and Lasting Success
Beverage brands and retailers love First Crush Tasting’s professional brand ambassadors and unmatched customer support. They also love that First Crush and the Palaterra consumer events platform goes far beyond tastings - delivering program improvements and data insights that translate to more profitable event programs and highly impactful improvements that continue to pay dividends. Check out these three examples.
MPL Brands Uses Tastings Feedback to Uncover Product Formulation Improvements

MPL Brands Uses Tastings Feedback to Uncover Product Formulation Improvements
MPL Brands partnered with First Crush to promote their Rancho La Gloria line of Margarita Wine Cocktails in key retailers across Texas. While the line was very well-received overall, MPL noted a sales dip in their strawberry variety and reached out to their First Crush success team in hopes of finding answers.
Because all consumer feedback was captured by our brand ambassadors and automatically collected and compiled in our Palaterra platform, the First Crush success team was quickly able to group and analyze all feedback involving the strawberry variety. This pinpointed product taste preferences that MPL’s sales and production teams were able to address with slight product formulation adjustments.
Does your tastings program deliver truly actionable insights?

Market Street Streamlines Event Calendar and Brand Ambassador Management for Savings
To confirm event calendar and brand ambassador details, most event agencies adopt unreliable and interruptive phone calls 2-3 days before a scheduled tastings event. When ambassadors arrive unexpectedly or key event details are miscommunicated, retailers are understandably frustrated, and brands can lose money and relationships.
With First Crush, Market Street now receives automated email communications each week that clearly identify the near-term event calendar and all key details associated with each event. This gives Market Street’s store management team a full and proactive picture that informs variables such as what they need to order and who they need to order it from to maximize their event’s success. Plus, automated feedback loops capture Market Street’s input on what can make their future events even better.
Are your tastings event communications optimized for retailers and brands alike?

Mike’s Hard Lemonade Elevates Distributor Accountability and Product Sales
Traditional tastings programs are notorious for unreliable and unwieldy information that doesn’t instill confidence and confirmation that events happen as expected and whether each event stakeholder is doing what’s needed to support success. Disconnected or missing reports, inconsistent receipt of event images, and insufficient communication of product issues are key contributors.
In partnering with First Crush, Mike’s was able to eliminate these issues by using the Palaterra events platform to integrate all their tastings event reporting in a reliable, easy, and efficient manner. Mike’s now has a clear line of sight into display percentages, product inventory issues, event images, and virtually every other event variable to drive distributor accountability and higher sales.
Does your event program and supporting technology support accountability and higher sales
Ready for your own breakthrough results?
Discover what First Crush Tastings and the Palaterra consumer events platform can deliver for you. Click the GET STARTED button to let us know more about your project or business goals.
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