May 4, 2021
Leadership in Unprecedented Times
Practical ways to guide others through any storm
Featured Speaker:
Rebecca Contreras
President & CEO
AvantGarde LLC (AG)
Event Sponsor:
Registration is free. so RSVP now for these upcoming events.
Leadership in Unprecedented Times
Practical ways to guide others through any storm
Featured Speaker:
Rebecca Contreras
President & CEO
AvantGarde LLC (AG)
Event Sponsor:
Blog Best Practices that Boost Your Business
Essential Ingredients for Generating Traffic and Leads
Featured Speaker:
Christa Kleinhans Tuttle
Founder and CEO
Launch Marketing
Event Sponsor:
Accelerate Foundation
Organize Your Company for Success using EOS Principals
Structure creativity to plan for growth
Featured Speaker:
Damon Neth
Certified Implementer of EOSTM
Event Sponsor:
Centro Event Space
- Beginning March 2021, on the first Tuesday of the month -
- Entrepreneurs will gather at Centro -